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How to bake scones easily

How to bake scones

How to bake scones easily

In this recipe you will be shown How to bake scones easily with easy steps.

What are Scones?

According to Wikipedia A scone (/skɒn/ or /skoʊn/) is a baked good, usually made of either wheat or oatmeal with baking powder as a leavening agent, and baked on sheet pans. A scone is often slightly sweetened and occasionally glazed with egg wash. … It differs from teacakes and other types of sweets that are made with yeast. Also know as english Scones due to its origins.

Ingredients :

To bake Scones you will need :

  • 3 ¼ cup plain flour 
  • 1 cup unsalted butter very cold
  • 1 cup buttermilk (very cold)
  • 2tspn baking powder 
  • ¼ tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 1tsp salt 
  • 3 tspn granulated sugar

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How to bake scones :

Add flour ,salt,sugar,baking powder, bicarbonate of soda in a mixing bowl  combine with a fork 

Grate the butter using a kitchen grater inside the dry ingredients mixture, use a fork to combine  until you reach bread crumbs like mixture .

Place the bowl in the refrigerator for about 15minutes 

Remove from the refrigerator and add very cold buttermilk gradually and at the same time mixing with a fork.

Add about 1 tblspn of flour on your working surface and pour your dough ( that is not fully combined at this point but don’t add any extra buttermilk)

Use your hands to mix the dough, eventually it will combine and form a rectangle 

Use a dough cutter and cut the rectangle into half, Place the other half on top of the other,  and roll into a 1 cm thick rectangle using a rolling pin

Now take your biscuit cutter, cut into desired shapes.

Brush with milk before baking into a preheated oven of 180degrees for about 20 to 25mins.

Now you know How to bake scones

Enjoy your English Scones.

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